Sri Lanka Institute of Tourism & Hotel Management
6 years ago
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Assistant Lecturers
Ministry of Tourism Development & Christian Religious Affairs
Sri Lanka Institute of Tourism & Hotel Management is the premier institute in the country providing education and training for the development of human resource for Tourism and Hospitality Industries
Vacancies exist in the faculty of Colombo and provincial campuses in the following categories.
Colombo - Food & Beverage/ Front Offee/ English Language Industrial Training unit/Corporate Community Trainnig unit Research & Development unt
Koggala - Professional Cookery & Bakery
Rathnapwa - Housekeeping & Laundry/ Front office
Bandarawela - Professional Food & Beverage
Kandy - Professional Cookery
Kurunagala - Professional Cookery
Pasikuda - Housekeeping & Laundry
Anuradhapura - Food & Beverage
Qualifications and Experience:
- A Special Degree in Tourism and Hospitality Management Language Degree (specialized in English language) which Is recognized by the U.G C.
- A General Degree in Tourism and Hospitality Management I Language Degree (specialized in nglish language) recognized by U .G.C with a post-graduate diploma relevant field.
- Full Graduate of the Sri Lanka nstitute f Tourism & Hotel Management with specialization In Professional Cookery/ Food & Beverage/ Front Offce Operation/ Hotel Housekeeping.
A minimum of 02 years post qualifying experience in an executive grade in three star or above classified hotel.
salary Scale - ARI - 2016 (Rs. 53, 150/= 10 x 1,375/=15 x 1,910/= Rs. 95, 550/=)
Initial Salary Step - Rs.41,780/= + cost of living and other Govemment approved allowances will be paid as per Management Service Department circular No. 02 / 2016. Additionally, Transport allowance of Rs.4, 000/=per month will be paid.
Should be not less than 30 years and not more than 55 years. The upper age limit will not apply to the internal candidates.
General Information:
Contribution or EPF & ETF
- EPF —Employee will contribute 10% of the consdidated salary and the ernployer will contribute 15%
- ETF — Employer will contribute 3% of the salary
- An acttractive Health medical insurance coverage for the Employee & his/her family.
Curriaalurn Vitae giving full particulars together with copies of all certificates pertaining to Academic experience, and the names of two Non- related referees should be forward under registered cover indicating me post applied for on the top left hand corner of tm envelope to the undersigned on or before 30th March 2018.
Director General
Sri Lanka Institute of Tourism and Hotel Managment
No. 78 Galle Road ,Colombo 03