Office Assistant, Graphic Designer, Supervisor / Electrician, Welder / Spray Painter Vacancies at SignX Advertising (pvt) Ltd - Kottawa

5 years ago
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Available  Vacancies:

  •  Office Assistant
  • Graphic Designer
  • Supervisor / Electrician
  • Welder / Spray Painter 

Closing Date:  2019-07-14

Company:  SignX Advertising (pvt) Ltd

Source: Lankadeepa(2019/06/30)

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Hiring Organization : SignX Advertising (pvt) Ltd
Salary Frequency : MONTH
Type of Employment : FULL_TIME
Description : Office Assistant, Graphic Designer, Supervisor / Electrician, Welder / Spray Painter Vacancies at SignX Advertising (pvt) Ltd
Region : Kottawa
Street Address : No.456/6
Address Region : Kottawa
Postal Code : 10230

Contact Details

This advertisement has expired.
Contact [email protected] with the reference number 94437, if you need more information.

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